@article{oai:nagaokaut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000564, author = {佐藤, 咲由美 and 宮崎, 慎一 and 福本, 一朗}, journal = {長岡技術科学大学研究報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {Substantial socio-medical welfare at home is seemed to be indispensable on progressing aged society. Questionnaire in order to study livings and demands of elders was carried out in Nagaoka in October 1992. The study has revealed the following three points and based on the requests to engineering side. I. Using of instruments to help living and setting up of equipment for the elders with socio-medical handicaps. II. Cost and cost performance of home care. III. The present condition of welfare services and requests from the elders.}, pages = {71--76}, title = {高齢者在宅医療福祉を支える工学技術の基礎研究}, volume = {15}, year = {1993} }