@article{oai:nagaokaut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000667, author = {佐藤, 浩二 and 内山, 千代子 and 大王, 純一 and 高原, 美規 and 山元, 皓二}, journal = {長岡技術科学大学研究報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is important for in vitro cultures of plant tissue to control the cultural condition such as the light condition. In the experiments, we used a culture system which could induce somatic embryogenesis by high osmotic treatment without phytohormons. We studied the effect of light conditions on somatic embryogenesis, taht is, we investigated when and where somatic embryos would emerge. The results are indicated that the rate of embryogenesis was affected by light condition in the seedling period, but not in the culture period. Moreover, the light exhibited its negative effect on induction of somatic embryos when seeds were exposed to light after germination. In histological study, the embryogenesis took place on epidermal cells in 4 days after osmotic treatments, and we confirmed that a somatic embryo was derived from a single epidermal cell. These findings suggest that the epidermal cells of cotyledons of seedlings raised under light were not competent to react to osmotic pressure and grow into embryos.}, pages = {101--105}, title = {ニンジンの子葉に浸透圧処理で誘導される不定胚形成への光条件の影響}, volume = {21}, year = {2000} }